hi everyone and welcome to yoga with Adriene I am Adriene and today I'm in beautiful Beaumont Texas and I mean that it's a beautiful gorgeous day here in the southeast at Texas and I am on a road trip and so I'm offering a side body sequence today which is fantastic if you're traveling and your body just feels crumpled at the end of a long road trip or even on a plane it brings a little spaciousness to the entire body and you can do it on your hotel room floor or the truck stop or in the airport or in a beautiful Botanical Garden so Google your tatical Gardens wherever you're at hop on the mat and let's learn side bodies sequence okay I'm going to come into a nice cross-legged position to start letting my sit bones root down through the ground and just taking a second on your own to roll up through the spine already kind of establishing that we are going to take some time here for ourselves to check in with the body find what feels good so that we don't really worry about the goal or the pose but just focus on the process of the experience okay a couple loops of the shoulders here anything you think you might need to just check in and then slowly I'll lift and lengthen from the crown of the head to the tip of the tailbone I'll hug my navel in towards my spine just coming into integrity in the torso so I'm not just collapsing into my bones but I'm really drawing up from the pelvic floor whatever that means to you kind of plugging in tops of the thighs or drawing down as the heart lifts up inhale take your left fingertips bring them to the side and then I'll take my right palm turn it up and on a breath in reaching towards the right side of my mat I'll think up and over so rather than just cranking over into my side body stretch collapsing in the left side body kind of cranking here straining and I'm going to think about space spacious so reaching towards the left side excuse me right side and then going up and over nice and slow first I reach up big beautiful tree above me and then I plant the left palm and slowly take your time go into my side body stretch so again rather than just getting to the goal I'm enjoying the process which is what our Yoga is all about is being in the moment and enjoying the the journey rather than the destination really feeling the skin of the side body stretch nice and long you're all the way up through the fingertips enjoying the ride right enjoying the road trip loop the shoulders even here drawing the shoulder blades in and together and down lots of space between the left ear and left shoulder so again the tendency is going to be to collapse here and I want to create lots of space so if that means I don't go as far that's fine extending through the crown of the head sit bones still rooted down really breathing into the side body lastly this is very important I'm going to inhale spiral my heart towards the sky so even if it doesn't make a big move intentionally intentionally my intention is to open the chest if this puts a little strain on the neck I can still keep my gaze softened down and rotate the heart up towards the sky take a deep breath in inhale reach through the right fingertips draw your left shoulder away from your left ear nice and long and then on an exhale I'll float it back now right fingertips come to the mat I inhale flip the left palm up I'm spiraling in the shoulder here so this is reminding me to drop that shoulder blade in I reach towards the left side and then slowly transition up and when I'm ready planting the right palm now and slowly nice and easy going into my side stretch so really enjoying the sensation can feel the skin on my left side body stretching nice and long I'm pressing up and out of the outer edges of the feet keeping the lower body still awake and grounded as I move into my side stretch now you can experiment here everyone's different you can reach your right fingertips further away for a little extra space maybe it feels better to have this here to remind you to keep space in the right side body so just checking in to each his own nice long smooth deep breaths here making sure that we take a second to check in with that heart center spiraling it up towards in my case the beautiful clouds inhale in soft in the face sit bones rooted reach the left fingertips and on an exhale we come back to Center nice tune easy breezy loop the shoulders I already feel good hmm then I take my palms and dive dive into the water dive onto all fours you okay best in most beautiful Mountain Pose plugging into the earth spreading the toes drawing energy up through the arches of the feet tucking the pelvis in we inhale open the palms so finding this nice rotation in the shoulders lift your heart and reach it up creating lots of space so the mind is a very powerful tool so as you're going through this again consider how you get there not just the landing like a really enjoying even something as simple as this then I'll take the right palm and grab the left wrist same thing is when I was in the seated posture I'm going to think up and over as I move into my side body stretch so I'm going to inhale think up and exhale keeping the heels all four corners of the feet actually rooted strong but really pressing down through those heels as I slowly move towards the right now I tap intended I'm like tending to close my eyes here because I really rather than cranking into the posture I want you to kind of tap into the sensations here so yes we're doing yoga yes we're creating space yes I'm in a beautiful botanical garden but I want to enjoy every moment so enjoying the transition here I can feel my skin stretching on the side body then I check in with my shoulders just kind of going through my checklist creating more space staying nice and soft in the face relaxing the area between your two eyebrows keep the right side body nice and long so no collapse here take one more deep breath in as you spiral your heart towards the heavens and then exhale we'll come back to Center Shh volcano spreading the palms wide take a deep breath here as you lift the heart make sure to tuck the pelvis and taking the left palm to the right wrist think up as you exhale we go over same thing here so don't hold here don't feel suspended we are pressing up and out of the earth then drawing energy up through the arches of the feet the inner thighs taking my actions from my Mountain Pose integrating them here in my side stretch one more deep breath in as I spiral my heart towards this beautiful tree above me and then exhale like a back to centre of volcano pose inhales read the palms nice and wide and then exhale we float the fingertips down Shh take a deep breath loop the shoulders letting the blood come back to the fingertips and then softening in the knees I inhale to reach it up again okay so I'm gonna pedal the feet out just a little bit and then slowly walk up the center getting a little bit of flexibility in the feet just kind of checking in right no wasted moment on the mat if you only have ten minutes to do something then let's make the best I roll up slowly bending the knees generously bringing the belly to the thighs and then nothing fancy here just a nice little rack ball roll up just like we did in sixth grader arts class when I arrived I'll just loop the shoulders a couple times and then come into my best and most beautiful mountain pose or Tadasana taking a second to look down at the feet if you need to coming into the body from the arches of the feet drawing energy up through the inner thighs all the way up the center channel up and out through the crown of the head heart lifting here pelvis tucked I inhale reach my fingertips left to right really reaching extending beyond my mat reaching I'm reaching towards some more kids surprise and some trees so finding that lift in the heart here and again it's like it this is what you make it it could just be like hanging in my bones like this is yoga or you can like come into a Titanic style like full body awareness couple breaths here then inhale continue the journey up fingertips reaching towards the heavens here I'll take the right palm grab the left wrist and same thing as before thinking up and over I'm going inhale think up and exhale over nice and slow we're not collapsing in the right side body but keeping this nice and lifted so what that means is you might not go as far because I'm totally collapsing here but we have more space a couple nice long deep breaths here still drawing energy up from the arches of the feet I'm spiraling my heart towards the sky shoulder blades in together and down pelvis is tucked inhale in and exhale slowly we come back to Center volcano reaching fingertips up shoulder blades dropping in almost said squeezing shouldn't say that hugging my navel in towards my spine don't squeeze especially if you just had brunch like I did good brunch here in Beaumont inhale reach up through the fingertips and same thing on the other side taking the left palm now grabbing the right wrist think up and over so lots of space here we're creating space inhale reach up exhale think about not collapsing in the left side body here keep the pelvis tucked to support your body then we take a couple beautiful breaths here spiraling the chest up towards the sky the tendency is going to be this so keep drawing up that's why we went into Tadasana first it's like to build that integrity in the body where you just feel kind of like Superman for a second really supporting your own weight so that we come into this side stretch we kind of have all our ducks in alignment inhale and reach and exhale back to centre volcanoes spread the fingertips take a deep breath in look up and exhale float it down Shh loop the shoulders a couple times ok so now I'm going to take a walk up towards the front edge of my map we can keep feet hip-width apart or now we can start to experiment by bringing the feet together maybe keeping just a little bit of space between the heels soft in the knees today I'm going inhale reach the fingertips left to right to come up nice long stretch tucking the pelvis hugging the navel in towards the spine and exhale soften in the knees as you come forward take a second here forward fold and then stepping the left leg back runners lunge take a second here to find a nice wide base loop the shoulders forward up and back just kind of going through your checklist kind of working out all the kinks so rather than trying to master the pose right again we're just using it as an opportunity to check in with the bots especially if you've been traveling okay so inhale heart radiates forward just kind of creating a little bit of space here on the exhale I plant the palms step it back downward facing dog just one breath cycle here as I pedal the feet kind of keep it moving waking the body up and then I step the left leg up into my lunge and same thing on the opposite side here just kind of checking in breathing not really worrying about mastering the asana per se but using this as an opportunity like I said to just check in with the body if you peeling that left hip crease back inhale shine your heart forward so when I say heart radiates forward I'm just using that as an opportunity to say find space from the crown of the head the tip the tailbone so if you're like heart radiates forward what the huh okay looking up planting the palms stepping it back same thing one breath cycle here nice and long in and out and then here I go walking the left toes to the center dropping that heel I'll inhale slide the sole the right foot up nice and loose here in the ankles and then slowly stepping it up back to my lunge this time I plant the back foot bring the hands to the waistline from my foundation nice and strong I press into the feet and lift up from my sternum my heart yeah tops of the thighs are rolling out and down so left thigh bones kind of peeling out kind of opening through the inner thigh top of the right thigh bone going to the right side I take a second here to each his own to just kind of feel grounded in the posture there's no rush making sure I can see my front big toe here and making sure that this knee is stacked directly over the ankle press into the outer edge everyone right now take your beautiful eyes and look at the outer edge of your back foot make sure that there is a where a certain awareness kind of pressing into that outer edge as we go into this next posture hands back to the waistline here found already use this as a reminder to tuck the pelvis inhale lift and lengthen through the spine and exhale I'm gonna soften here by bringing my right elbow to the top of the thigh but I'm not going to collapse my weight into it that's the first tendency and then it's kind of hard to get back from there so stay lifted stay lengthened from here almost like a ballerina would you know like they have such strength from here to here some strong muscle man's watching this going like ballerina what not muscle men do ballot every yeah let's bring the right elbow to the top of the thigh from here before I even get this hand involved I'm going to this is what I've been practicing spiral my heart up towards the sky now the thing that's keeping me grounded here is the outer edge of that back foot I'm going to take my left fingertips now reach them behind the ear here just so I know a nice line to move on here reaching all the way eventually up past the crown of the head all the while maintaining this opening in the heart so again the tendency is to like collapse here and actually instead of bringing an awareness into the deep muscles we could even injure ourselves you know so take your time and let's have some integrity in our lines so right now I'm imagining a beautiful line from my fingertips all the way to the outer edge of that back foot lots of space here imagine that the top of your right ear is being pulled towards the front of your mat so the tendency is to be here we're wanted wanting to create lots of space I'm using everything that I kind of came into contact with in my Mountain Pose tucking the pelvis lifting the heart drawing energy up from the arches of the feet I can draw a line with my nose up towards the sky here nice and long pressing to the outer edge of that back foot and then I'm in exhale I'll slowly soften towards the front toes by bringing the belly to the top of the thigh bringing the fingertips back to the mat pivoting on that back foot and stepping it back downward facing dog okay we're almost done balancing it out on the other side dropping the right heel press up and out of the palms as you inhale slide the sole of the left foot up nice and easy breezy so again I just I want us to get out of this place we're like waiting like okay yeah what next Adrienne can't breathe so I want you I want to be I want to guide you but I want you to feel free to be like checking in in this posture okay let's step that leg up same thing on the other side planting the back foot stacking my funding hands to the waistline inhale lift up from the heart as you press into the feet take a look get that outer edge of the back foot make sure that it gets a little love a little awareness as we go into our posture sinking in tucking the pelvis inhale lift and lengthen through the crown of the head and exhale left elbow to the top of the thigh make sure you can see that left big toe heart begins to spiral up in every like transition here you can enjoy so we stop worrying about the goal so much and enjoy the process the journey that's a great tool for life sheesh heart spiraling up towards the beautiful sky and inhale reaching right fingertips now behind the ear all the while I'm pressing into the outer edge of that back foot as I reach up and then going through my checklist letting it evolve here and everyone will be different so just kind of checking in with the reality of your posture making sure that we're all breathing tucking the pelvis drawing energy up from the arches of the feet 110 percent full-body experience here so no body part left behind it's all one part right inhale we can draw a line with the nose up as the heart spirals gosh there's a beautiful tree above me shoulder blades in together and down one more deep breath in when you feel satisfied with control with ease float it back belly to the top of the thigh first finger tips choose and that we plant the palms you can step it back to downward dog and add a vinyasa here if you if you know what I'm talking about or we'll just come slowly to all fours bring the two big toes together and back where we started extended Child's Pose you can take a couple of nice long deep breaths here okay so that was a side body stretch sequence which is like I said perfect if you're on the road if you're traveling either in a car in a plane or just kind of getting that crumpled feeling in the body it's a great little sequence to bring space it's also good in the morning and if you're curious why I'm in Beaumont then please visit my blog for all the juicy details have had a wonderful time here it's starting to rain so we better wrap it up but even if you aren't able to go on a road trip go on a road trip on your mat remember just a couple minutes on the mat goes a long way focus on the experience rather than the goal and remember to find what feels good subscribe to the channel if you haven't already leave comments questions below and I'll see you next time namaste you